9 Years Later...
The title of this post is meant to sound like the spongebob meme (visualize that haha I'm such a nerd). Well. Where do I begin? I'll start with the fact that it had to have been absolute fate that I found my blog account again. Lately I've been going through the usual "who are you?" mindset. You know, the mindset where you realize that you're facing a setback in life and so you start to question everything little thing in humanity until you drive yourself absolutely insane...yea. That one. So I find it amazing to have had the opportunity to read through my old posts and see where I was in life then... Where my life has changed and even where it hasn't changed. Some of my posts kind of made it seem like I was some kind of fortune teller for my life because it came true! (I wont include what has and what hasn't). It's amazing what recording your thoughts will do when you're trying to figure it all out. To organize my thoughts a lit...