
9 Years Later...

The title of this post is meant to sound like the spongebob meme (visualize that haha I'm such a nerd). Well. Where do I begin? I'll start with the fact that it had to have been absolute fate that I found my blog account again. Lately I've been going through the usual "who are you?" mindset. You know, the mindset where you realize that you're facing a setback in life and so you start to question everything little thing in humanity until you drive yourself absolutely insane...yea. That one. So I find it amazing to have had the opportunity to read through my old posts and see where I was in life then... Where my life has changed and even where it hasn't changed. Some of my posts kind of made it seem like I was some kind of fortune teller for my life because it came true! (I wont include what has and what hasn't). It's amazing what recording your thoughts will do when you're trying to figure it all out. To organize my thoughts a lit...

Just new

Got lots on my mind lately..mostly having to do with the start with man #1 this month, who found it fairly entertaining to call me!?!? Someone please fill me in? How is that a cute nickname for someone who could potentially be your next girlfriend!?? And to make matters worse he decided to call me "love" when i told him how much i hated it, and told me " you're so cute when you are frustrated love" obviously he thinks im some kind of idiot bc that was totally condescending..i mean really men, no better yet people in general, you dont have to say outright that you think less of someone for them to know it, actions speak louder than words!! Give me a break! Man #2 is too old to be actin so young! I dont wanna date a guy who lives with regret! I need a man! I had better shut up bc i dont know what i want/need...but i sure can tell you what i dont! And man #2, sorry Boo its not you. Man #3 is a sweetbheart! I think i really like him, b...

The things we really wanna say.

I know that sometimes I complain a lot, and I am getting this under control...thats why i have a i dont have to complain to people all the time. Just gotta get a few things off my chest. first things first. WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEN!?!? I understand that I can give mixed signals, mainly because i am trying to find the true me, while in the process of finding the love of my life. BUT if I continuously outright tell you that you aint gettin none, WHY DO YOU KEEP TRYING!?! I get that deep down in the back of your head you feel that if you beg long enough that I'll give in..but lets not make fantasies become our problem here fellas. When a girl says no, she really means no, and she will take charge when she wants to say yes. And what is it that you dont get when a girl tells you they want to be treated right? NEWSFLASH: if you treat a girl how they want to be treated (even when they ask to be treated that way) you can get all the lovin you want! I am still trying to figure out wh...

For once in my life. I am enjoying me! I guess I should work on bettering myself. But for now, I think its nice to get to know myself again. In college I got stuck in this routine that turned me into some uncontrollable control freak and I dont even know how I let myself get away! I really am enjoying traveling and seeing my friends. Its bringing me back to reality and the real, crazy, fun, me. There are some things that i still need to find balance in life finding God again. and learning to save money and its all just a learning process..but for now. I love hanging out with me again. Dont get me wrong, im still growing, and learning, and trying to get back to normal! but for the most part, i dont have any problem just having fun and kicking back! just a few things on my mind. night.

An Inquisition..of sorts..

Well, I am on a roll, one blog post a year! go me. No honestly, I need to get better at this no doubt. 2010 was a year full of emotions, and I am looking forward to letting 2011 be the year that I finally let loose a little and have some fun. I have absolutely no idea when I became so unbearably uptight, all I know is that I am, and I hate it. Maybe its because I am constantly being let down. Its only January and I have been let down at least 5 times this week, that is so sad! I also think part of my emotions has to do with how lonely I am. I love my parents, dont get me wrong, but...I think its time I hang out with someone my own age, or someone who is not my parents lol But what has REALLY been eating at my mind is, what is so wrong with someone loving me? Rather, what is wrong with me to the point that people run from me, mostly men not gonna lie. I have no idea what I do, done, did, or what ever, but I honestly feel like that as soon as I think I am on to someone, they let me down,...


Wow, its been a while since i've written on this thing. But once again, i lean on my blog to express my deepest inner thoughts... Lately i have been thinking a lot about love. WHAT IS IT? I dont understand how people define it. I do understand that it is a personal definition, but at the same time, how do people come to terms with their own personal definitions? What is too fast? What is too slow? This summer has taught me a huge lesson on love. Be on the same page. Be clear that you are on the same page with your partner. This is a lesson that became very valuable to me this summer. It's also a lesson i think i pushed to hard, which lead to my heart break. I was SO focused on making sure that i do right, and making sure that we are cool with each other that i feel like i lead him to be curious about other girls. I was really into being serious, forgetting all of the circumstances and conditions and forgetting to have fun! I dont think that it's my fault at all. But at the ...

Road rAGE.

Today I experienced road rage at its finest. It is interesting to see how bad it can get. Even how bad it can get with myself. Lately I havent been happy. I dont know why, I am just experiencing a time where leaning on God is all I can really do. This is an example of my anger... So this morning I'm driving to work. Its about 8:30 or so... and for those of you who dont know, boise and nampa are about 15-20 mins apart. If you do it right... anywho. There was this man. White, Elderly, and I come to find out really mean... He begins to break check me... the only thing is that I am not close to him. So I'm lookin at him like he is crazy because I was so far behind him that it wasnt even effective. So instead of ruining my great stream of music on the new Wild 101.1 (which is awesome I might add) I decide to get over. But there's this red Envoy speeding up to block me... Why would this person want to trap me? Why would this person not let me over? I dont even know this person! S...